Lagom: The Swedish Art of Balanced Living

Chintan Panchal
4 min readDec 17, 2023


In a world that often glorifies extremes, the Swedish philosophy of “lagom” offers a refreshing perspective on life. Lagom, which roughly translates to “just the right amount” or “balanced,” is a concept deeply ingrained in Swedish culture. It goes beyond a simple lifestyle choice; it’s a guiding principle that permeates various aspects of life, promoting equilibrium, moderation, and contentment. As we explore the essence of lagom, we’ll uncover its roots in Swedish life and discover how adopting a balanced mindset can lead to a more fulfilling existence.

The Origin of Lagom:

Derived from the Old Norse word “laget om,” meaning “around the team” or “in balance,” lagom encapsulates the idea of moderation and harmony. It’s not about excess or deficiency but finding the sweet spot in every aspect of life. Whether it’s work, relationships, or leisure, lagom encourages a mindful approach to ensure that nothing is too much or too little.

Balancing Work and Life:

One of the fundamental pillars of lagom is the balance between work and personal life. In Sweden, there’s a strong emphasis on maintaining a healthy work-life equilibrium. The standard workweek is often shorter compared to many other countries, allowing Swedes to invest time in personal pursuits, family, and relaxation. The notion is not to overexert at work but to accomplish tasks efficiently and leave ample room for personal happiness.

Lagom in Swedish Design:

our minimalistic Swedish home

Swedish design, renowned for its simplicity and functionality, echoes the lagom philosophy. Clean lines, minimalism, and practicality define Swedish aesthetics. The idea is to create living spaces that are comfortable and functional without excess. In a lagom-inspired home, each item serves a purpose, and there’s a sense of order that contributes to a peaceful environment.

our minimalistic Swedish patio

The Lagom Approach to Food:

Swedish cuisine, with its focus on fresh, locally sourced ingredients, mirrors the lagom approach to nutrition. Meals are neither extravagant nor meager but strike a balance that nourishes the body without overindulgence. The Swedish tradition of “fika,” a coffee break with a pastry, exemplifies the lagom attitude towards enjoying simple pleasures without excess.

Mindful Consumption:

Lagom extends beyond individual choices and enters the realm of sustainability. Swedes often emphasize quality over quantity and are conscious consumers. Whether it’s fashion, technology, or everyday products, the focus is on long-lasting, environmentally friendly choices. This sustainable mindset aligns seamlessly with the balanced principles of lagom.

Embracing Nature:

Sweden’s breathtaking natural landscapes play a crucial role in the lagom lifestyle. The concept of “friluftsliv,” or open-air living, encourages people to spend time outdoors, connecting with nature. This balance between urban life and the serenity of the outdoors fosters a holistic sense of well-being.

Bergen, Norway

Finding Lagom in Everyday Life:

In adopting the lagom mindset, individuals can strive for balance in their daily lives. This might involve simplifying routines, decluttering spaces, and being mindful of personal well-being. It’s not about sacrifice or asceticism but rather about identifying what is “just enough” to lead a satisfying and meaningful life.


As we delve into the world of lagom, we discover a profound philosophy that transcends the ordinary. Rooted in Swedish culture, lagom teaches us to appreciate the beauty of balance in all aspects of life. By embracing moderation, mindfulness, and contentment, we can weave the principles of lagom into the fabric of our existence, creating a life that is not just lived but truly savored. In a world that often races toward extremes, lagom stands as a gentle reminder that sometimes, the path to fulfillment lies in finding the perfect balance.

